Dervi Stone was established in 1985 with its two factories, which are located on a 4,000 m² closed and 55,000 m² open area in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey.As a result of sharp demand increase in the world travertine and marble market, the board of directors of Dervi Stone decided to make direct investment with its equity capita in 2002…
Our Quality Policy
Our Quality Policy
- To make quality production in accordance with the standards in customer-oriented and functional marble and travertine production,
- To increase our share in the domestic market and to get into new markets at the abroad,
- To communicate the requirements of our suppliers / subcontractor suppliers in a clear and understandable manner continuously,
- To ensure continuous development of all our employees with the trainings,
- To build long term Consumer Confidence,
- To develop and improve all our processes with an effective system and to create a satisfied customer network.
Kalite Politikamız
Kalite Politikamız
- Müşteri odaklı ve işlevsel mermer ve traverten üretiminde standartlara uygun kaliteli üretim yapmak,
- İç pazardaki payımızı artırmak ve yurtdışında yeni pazarlara girmek,
- Tedarikçilerimizin / fason tedarikçilerimizin gereksinimlerini açık ve anlaşılır bir şekilde sürekli iletmek,
- Tüm çalışanlarımızın eğitimlerle sürekli gelişmelerini sağlamak,
- Uzun vadeli “Müşteri Güveni” oluşturmak,
- Tüm süreçlerimizi etkin bir sistemle geliştirmek, iyileştirmek ve memnun bir müşteri ağı oluşturmak.
Our experienced team will provide you with exceptional service and help you select the perfect stone for every aspect of your project.
Beauty comes from nature with Dervistone…
Dervişoğlu Marble has just started to export blocks with his newly started to operate the quarry, called Mystic Beige Limestone. Dervi Stone ensures constant production with its highly developed engine park which has 1.000 m3 production capacity per month. You can easily reach to our quarry from the route…
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